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Mr. Crawford
Online Health


Class Description:  Health class is a semester class designed to teach beneficial knowledge and skills that encourage students to think critically about how the decisions they make affect their lives today and into the future.  Completion of Health is required for high school graduation.  The class will consist of units of study in the following areas:  Introduction to Health, Mental Health, Nutrition, Drug Substances, and Sex Education.


Assignments:  Assignments will be posted in the homework section of the website.  There will be something due almost everyday.  Time management will be essential to your success.  The class itself should not be overly difficult but finding the time for this class will be necessary for success.  It is up to the student to email back the completed assignment on or before the due date.  It is a good idea to open and read each assignment so you can pace yourself through the unit as some assignments will take considerably more effort than others, and some assignments will need to be started at the beginning of the unit in order to turn them in at the end of the unit.  Also, this will allow you to ask questions, if you have any, long before the due dates. Late assignments will be accepted up to two weeks after the due date for partial credit.


Computer Skills:  In order to successfully complete assignments you will need to be able to use Word and PowerPoint, open audio and video links, navigate the internet, and access the online textbook which is in PDF format.


Academic Dishonesty:  This class is to be completed by you.  While it is perfectly acceptable to look up answers using the textbook and internet sources, it is not acceptable to copy and paste answers as though it were your own work.  You will need to rephrase and rewrite using your own thoughts.  Also, you are not allowed use material from other students past or present. Work must be done completely by you.  You will receive a zero score on any work that is not completely your own, as well as for giving others material.  You will also be referred to school administration for disciplinary action.


Textbook: Glencoe Health


Grading Scale:

            93-100%         A                     90-92%           A-

            88-89%           B+                   83-87%           B                      80-82%           B-

            78-79%           C+                   73-77%           C                     70-72%           C-

            68-69%           D+                   63-67%           D                     60-62%           D-

            0-59%             F


Contact Information:

            David Crawford