2. Be in class on time. (Quiet and in your seat when the bell rings.)
3. Come to class with all materials and be ready and willing to participate.
4. Ask lots of questions! Be responsible for your own learning.A tardy will result if you are not in your seat and ready to work when the tardy bell rings. The school-wide tardy policy will be enforced and the following consequences will be observed:
A. If you are late to class, you must first report to the Student Services Office or a campus supervisor. You will be issued a tardy slip that will allow you to enter the classroom.
B. The detention must be served after school within 5 days. You are to report to the detention room ON TIME with class assignments or reading that can be completed during the assigned detention time. If you bring no work, then you will not be permitted to attend detention.
C. If you do not serve your detention within 5 days, you will be assigned Saturday School.
D. Any and all detention time and Saturday School assignments not cleared in a timely manner will result in privileges being taken away (such as dances, parking passes, off campus lunches, extra curricular activities.)
If you know ahead of time that you will miss class, please ask for the assignment. It is much easier to stay caught up than to fall behind. If an absence is excused, it is the student's responsibility to get the make-up work upon returning to school. You will be allowed twice as many days as you were absent to hand in any make-up work. For example, if you are absent 2 days, then you have 4 days to get the assignment and hand it in. NO exceptions unless prior arrangements have been made!
EXCUSED ABSENCE = FULL CREDIT (if turned in within given time frame)
NOTE: The homework that was due the day you were absent must be turned in the day that you return to school.
Unexcused behavior will be dealt with as follows:
1st---pause/look, verbal warning, mini-conference outside
2nd---15 minute conference after school (student/teacher)
3rd---30 minute detention after school, parent notification
4th---referral to Assistant-Principal, parent conference
*Please, no drinks or food in class. (The only exception is a water bottle.)
*Use the bathroom and drinking fountain before class. If you ask to leave class, it will count as a tardy.
*School-wide, there is no tolerance for profanity, inappropriate clothing, and recreational use of electronic devices in class. These items may be in your possession, but must be turned off or on silent and put away inside your backpack during class time. You may use these items only on your own time…which means outside of class during passing period, lunch, and before/after school. (This includes checking your cell phone messages and reading/sending text messages.)
*Unapproved use of electronics during class will result in a referral to the office (which means detention or Saturday school.)
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