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The following breakdown and scale will be used to determine your overall grade:

            Tests…70%  of overall grade 90 -100%   A

            Quizzes...10%                                                               80 - 89%    B

            classwork, homeworkwork habits…20%                                70 - 79%    C

                                                                                                                60 - 69%    D

                                                                                                                 0 - 59%     F


Tests and quizzes will be given to you occasionally as a group assessment, although most are administered on an individual basis.  Quizzes may or may not be announced and some will not allow the use of a calculator.  Scientific calculators will be sufficient on many of the individual unit tests, although graphing calculators may be required for certain standards.  Retakes/corrections are allowed on two unit tests per semester, but only if 80% of the homework for that unit was already turned in and both review sheets have been completed.  Retakes/corrections will allow you to earn back 1/3 of the points that were missed.  Once the graded test is handed back, you have one week to complete retakes/corrections during tutorial hours.


Learning Targets (Toolkits) will be assigned for every unit (20 points each.)  All toolkit notes that you take during class may be used to assist you on group quizzes and each final exam (but not allowed on tests.) 


Classwork/homework will be assigned on a daily basis.  It is always due the following day unless otherwise stated.  Each assignment that is collected will be worth up to 5 points.  You can earn partial credit if you do not finish an assignment.  Homework is checked mainly for completeness—did you attempt to do all of the problems?  Did you write out each problem/diagram and show work?  You will be given credit for trying. 


Late assignments will NOT be accepted unless you attend lunch or after school tutorial in a timely manner. (Excused absent work is the only exception!!)  If you occasionally have a few missing and/or incomplete assignments for the current unit and you come in on your own time complete the work, then it is accepted for credit.  It is essential that you learn the material in a timely manner prior to the group quiz and unit test.


Participation/citizenship/work habits:  Your positive behavior and contribution to this class is vital because it will greatly add to the success of small group work as well as large group work.  Groups may be your choice or they may be assigned to you.  A portion of your “work” grade may be left to my discretion.  It will be based on your ability and willingness to work in groups as well as on your individual responsibility.  A positive attitude and behavior will not be overlooked.  You are expected to use good judgment in regard to this class.  Your participation can raise or lower your grade---you make the choice!!


The PVHS “Committed to Academics” Integrity Policy is enforced in this class.  Plagiarism will not be tolerated. You are expected to put forth your best effort, do your own work, and learn from your mistakes.



**If, at any time, you feel the need for extra help or guidance, please see me about setting up some time at lunch or after school.  You will be surprised at how much difference just 10 minutes can make!!

**Your own calculator will be helpful for this course, such as the TI30XIIS scientific calculator.  If you would like to invest in a graphing calculator, then a TI84+ is recommended (the CE color edition is not necessary, but it does have a lot more memory!)  If you are looking for something less expensive, a TI83 or TI83+ will work just fine.  Other models are acceptable but be sure to bring your owner’s manual to class in case you have questions!  (A limited number of calculators will be available in class.)         

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