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 8/16  1st day of school...Viking Voyage intro activities  
 1.1 #23-28, 30, 41-43, 47-59odd, 69-72, 75, 77
 1.1 NOTES
 1.2 (part 1) #1-8, 9-21odd, 29-37odd
 1.2 (part 2) #23,25,27,39,41,45,47,49,53,55,57,61
        and warm up A-K (see notes for warm-up)
 8/20  EXPONENT SHEET #1-25  and PRACTICE QUIZ  1.2 NOTES part 3
 online assignments: intro#1-7 and 1.3 
    (link will automatically appear on your WebAssign/ebook dashboard at the beginning of class)
 1.3 NOTES
 1.4 (part 1) #16,30, 7-14, 15-31odd 
 1.4 NOTES part 1
 8/25  1.4 (part 2) #34,36,40,42,46,86, 33-53odd, 85,87,88  1.4 NOTES part 2
 8/26  1.4 (part 3) online in WebAssign (see ebook dashboard)  
 click link to print or just write problems on paper & solve
 8/30  1.5 (part 1) #3,19, 23-26, 49-61odd, 71,72  1.5 NOTES part 1
 8/31  1.5 (part 2) #5,7,90,98, 87-103odd, 104,106
 1.6 #30,38, 23,24,31,35,39,40,53,54,61-65
            (note: use quadratic formula for #63-65)
 online work in WebAssign: 1.9, 1.10, 1.6
 (due Tuesday since there is a group quiz tomorrow!)
 1.9, 1.10 NOTES
 Group Quiz (no notes, no calculator) 
  no homework unless you still need to finish yesterday's online work
 9/6  Labor Day (no school)  
 REVIEW #1 online assignment...see WebAssign/Cengage dashboard
 (assignment will appear on your dashboard at the start of your class period)
 click link to print or just write problems on paper & solve
 Ch.1 Test  (no notes, no calculator)

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