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A C T I V I T I E S  -   G O V E R N A N C E -   L E A D E R S H I P

- Pleasant Valley High School students have a wide range of interests, and the ASB attempts to involve all those students in exciting and memorable activities and events that foster school spirit and build relationships among the student body.

II.  GOVERNANCE - As a student-led organization, some of the ASB responsibilities include maintenance of all student-body funds, regulation of on-campus fundraising efforts, creation of new clubs and governance of existing clubs, and implementation of new programs.  All ASB decisions are determined with input from various members of the student organizations, thus creating true student governance.    

- One of the major objectives of the ASB organization is to instill and/or promote expansion of leadership qualities in the school-wide community. Through programs such as the Advisory Council and School Site Council, and representation on the Chico Unified School District School Board, members of the ASB become directly involved in the everyday functions of school life. Also, becoming heavily involved in community projects, such as The Giving Tree Program, Pennies for Patients Leukemia Project, the Community Challenge, Multi-Cultural Week, the American Heart Association Blood Drive, Cancer Awareness Month, Canned Food Drive, Almond Bowl Penny Brawl, and the CSU-Chico Lead Strong Conference, allows ASB members opportunities to develop life-long leadership skills.

Are you a student, parent, or community member? Keep in touch with us: