As per the guidelines set forth by California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and Butte
County Public Health (BCPH) students may be required to have regular COVID-19 testing in
order to participate in some sports or activities provided by ChicoUnified School District. This
information is based on guidelines issued by CDPH on February 19, 2021 and amended on
March 4, 2021, effective March 5, 2021. As case numbers change, tiers change, and different
guidelines apply and therefore information can be confusing or change on a week to week
basis. We will do our best to keep you updated and informed as the guidelines change. For full
detail on requirements go to: CDPH website “ Outdoor and Indoor Youth and Recreational Adult
What testing is currently required by state and local health departments?
While our case numbers in Butte County are between 7-14/100,000, we are required to test
athletes, coaching staff and volunteers weekly for any sport outside of the current tier the
county is in and the results must be received by the health office within 24 hours of
competition. A PCR nasopharyngeal swab test is what is recommended and offered through
Where can my student athlete/coach/volunteer get tested?Athletes/coaches/volunteers can choose from an OptumServe testing site:
Chico: 900 Mangrove Avenue, Chico: Hours: Monday through Saturday 7am- 7pm
Chico State Shurmer Gym: Hours: Thursday and Friday from 9am- 6pm (they will be
open during Chico Unified School District Spring Break March 15th-19th)
ou must register for testing on the OptumServe website:
What is the cost of testing?
There are no out of pocket expenses for testing with OptumServe regardless of
whether or not you have insurance.
What if my athlete/coach/volunteer test comes back positive?
If you receive a positive test, you must notify the health office immediately. At that time
isolation dates will be calculated for the individual, direct contacts will be identified,
notified and quarantine dates will be determined following all state and local guidelines.
All information is kept confidential per HIPPA regulations.
We recommend starting weekly (Saturday-Friday) testing as soon as possible and
turning in the results to the Pleasant Valley High Athletics office as soon as you receive
Julie Scalet, RN School Nurse 530-891-3050 ext 31115
Pam Jackson 530-891-3050 ext 31213
Butte County COVID-19 Testing Sites
Ampla Health Chico : 680 Cohasset Rd. (530) 342-4395; M – F, 9 – 11am by appointment
only. All ages .
* Accepts Medical
OptumServe Testing: 900 Mangrove Ave. M – F, 7am-7pm by appointment
only. All ages.
Chico Immediate Care: 376 Vallombrosa Ave. (530) 891-1676 M-F 7am-7pm, Sat/Sun 8am-4pm. Viral rapid
testing available on a walk-in basis for confirmed or suspected contacts, symptomatic patients and health
care facility employees. Ages 5 and over .
* Does NOT accept Medical
CVS Chico: CVS COVID-19 Testing , 7 days per week, 10:30am – 5:30pm, by appointment only for
symptomatic individuals. Ages 18 and over . * Need to contact individual insurance provider to verify coverage
Ampla Health Oroville: 2800 Lincoln Blvd, Oroville 95966. 534-7500; M – F, 1-3pm by appointment
only. Age 8 and over . * Accepts Medical
Oroville Hospital COVID Clinic: 2767 Olive Hwy. (530) 538-3251 8am-8pm, 7 days per week by
appointment only with provider referral/order. All ages .
*Accepts Medical
CVS Oroville: CVS COVID-19 Testing 7 days per week, 9am – 5:30pm by appointment only for
symptomatic individuals. Ages 18 and over. * Contact individual insurance provider to verify coverage
Ampla Health Gridley: 520 Kentucky St. (530) 846-6231; M – F, 1-3pm by appointment only. All ages .
* Accepts Medical
Rite Aide: 1583 Hwy 99, Gridley. (530) 846-3334; 7 days per week by appointment only. Ages 18 and
over . Link: Rite Aide COVID-19 Testing
* Government funded (no insurance required)
Orchard Hospital Medical Specialty Center: 284 Spruce St. Gridley. M-F 8am-5pm by appointment
only. All ages . * Accepts Medical
Magalia Ampla Magalia : 14137 Lakeridge Circle, Magalia (530) 873-5030 M – F 9 – 11am by
appointment only.
All Ages . * Accepts Medical
Rite Aide: 14115 Lakeridge Circle, Magalia 530-873-0800 7 days per week by appointment only. Ages
18 and over . Link: Rite Aide COVID-19 Testing * Government funded (no insurance required)
Glenn County Testing Sites
Ampla Orland : 1211 Cortina Drive, Orland. 530- Glenn Medical : 1133 W. Sycamore Street,
All Ages . *Accepts Medical
Willows. 530-934-1832 All Ages .
*Accepts Medical
FirstCare Medica l: 750 E. Walker Street, Orland.
530- 865-4400 *only offers test for established patients.
OptumServe Testing : 327 4 th St. (Orland
Memorial Hall.)
(888)-634-1123 Tues – Sat. 7am – 7pm by
appointment only. All ages . (Opens 7/21/2020)
Northern Valley Indian Health : 207 N. Butte
Street, Willows. 530-826-3694 * Accepts
Correct number:530-934-4641. Only taking enrolled
Ampla Hamilton City : 278 Main Street,
Hamilton City. 530-826-3694 All ages . *Accepts Medical.
Immediate Care : 1361 Cortina Drive, Orland.
* Accepts Medical
Ages 12 and over .
*Does NOT accept Medical